Seven tips for securing a business loan

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Securing a business loan in Australia isn’t necessarily difficult but knowing how to navigate your way can be the difference between success and failure.

Banks and other financial institutions offer a wide range of business finance options, from commercial property loans, commercial vehicle leases, and commercial and equipment leases, to simpler options such as letters of credit, overdrafts and lines of credit. Here are some tips on how to improve your chances of success.

1.    Work out what is realistic

It’s a good idea to find and compare credit options based on the amount of money you need to borrow, how you want it supplied and the type of security you want to provide (residential, non-residential or none at all).

2.    Find a Finance Broker

The next step is to speak to an MFAA accredited finance broker (Garland Finance!) who can help you work out what loan type and lender are appropriate for your business and you.  Garland Finance works with clients to determine their borrowing needs and abilities, select a loan suited to their circumstances and manage the process through to settlement.

3.    Have a credit history and make it good

Lenders are looking for two things when it comes to your credit status: an existing credit relationship and a relatively clear history. If a borrower already has an existing loan which they’re servicing on time, they are much more likely to be successful. Of course there are options for those who are either credit impaired or just don’t have a documented credit history, and Garland Finance can help clarify these.

4.    Actively show how risk will be minimised

Demonstrate how you will lessen the risk to you and to the lender. Garland Finance can help with this.

 5.    Be prepared

For your first meeting with your finance broker, have up-to-date paperwork and tax records, make sure you’ve done your research and have a fair idea how much you want to borrow and how you plan to spend it. You should also know your total worth, listing your assets and liabilities.

6.    Have a plan

Lenders like to see a business plan that shows that you know what you want to achieve and have a clear idea of how you can achieve it.

7.    Provide more than one exit strategy

Lenders want to know how they’re going to get their money back and some want up to three scenarios for what is called the ‘exit strategy’.

To give your business a good chance of success talk to Garland Finance about finding the right commercial financing options for you.


Phone: 0406062324


Crissa Garland